Blastomycosis – An Overview

Blastomycosis is an infection caused by inhaling a fungus called Blastomyces dermatitidis. This fungus is found in moist soils where there are decaying plants or wood. Blastomyces dermatitidis is found in the central and southeastern United States (the darkened area...

Apple Scab and How To Treat It

Apple scab is one of the most grave diseases in the production of apples. It attacks the leaves, reducing the foliar area of the plant and resulting in lower yields. Most of the severe damage is caused by the fruit, producing crusts that affect its development and...

Angiostrongylus – The Two Types Explained

Angiostrongyliasis is an emerging zoonosis, difficult to diagnose and prevent, caused by a nematode of the genus Angiostrongylus. The infective stage for humans is the third larval stage that develops in terrestrial gastropods. Transmission to man is by raw...

African Trypanosomiasis

Sleeping sickness or African trypanosomiasis is a disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. It is transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly, an insect the size of a bee. Signs and symptoms are initially non-specific; however, the infection progresses to...

Understanding Super-bugs

Super-bugs, although the term sounds novel, are microorganisms that have always been with us, are in the community, but have a peculiarity, and that is that they are capable of surviving antibiotics. They are those microorganisms that are resistant to a wide variety...