Alessandro Volta – His Life and Work

All battery models currently manufactured are based on the principle discovered by Alessandro Volta. The scientist invented the so-called Volta Battery, the forerunner of the electric battery. His work was crucial for the history of science since, for the first time,...

Louis Pasteur – His Life and Work

Louis Pasteur is one of the best-known scientists, his legacy of important discoveries and inventions forever securing his place among the most important scientists of all time. As a chemist and microbiologist, Louis Pasteur made groundbreaking scientific discoveries...

Dmitri Mendeleev – His Life and Career

Born in Verkhnie Aremzyani, Siberia in 1834, the child who would later become known as Dmitri Mendeleev was born into the family of Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, who was a teacher and headmaster of two local schools. His mother, Maria Kornilieva, was from a family of...