Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Rice Experiment

Modernity has given us endless streams of input. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us; what to buy, what to think, what you should eat, what you should wear, and how to behave. For the most part, these messages are not so much in our best interest as...

The Importance of Popular Science

Popular science is defined as multidisciplinary work, the aim of which is to communicate scientific knowledge, using a variety of media, to a variety of voluntary audiences by recreating that knowledge faithfully and contextualizing it to make it accessible. It is the...

The History of Electricity

In the 21st century, getting the idea of living without electricity is unthinkable; it has become indispensable in our lives, and only in moments of blackouts or power cuts do we become aware of the need for electricity in our lives. That is why electricity is not...

Different Types of Light Energy

When energy is emitted in the form of light energy, it propagates at different wavelengths and frequencies, depending on the amount of energy being released. The entire range of wavelengths and frequencies at which this energy can be transferred is known as...

Colonizing Mars and Interplanetary Service Providers

Mars is simply the next continent humans will settle, Bas Lansdorp Chief Executive of Mars One When Humans colonize Mars (and we will!), it would take a long time before we established a commerce system; things to do, services to partake in and products to buy....