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7 Amazing Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries are a small dark red fruit, beloved for their flavor and versatility. They can be deliciously sweet (great to eat raw) or tart (great for cooking). The cherry is a drupe, which is the proper name for fruits containing a stone, and there are many varieties, all produced by trees from trees of the Prunus type. There are so many fantastic health benefits of cherries that adding these humble little fruits to your everyday diet could have a big impact on how you feel and how you function!

Cherries on a branch

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Weight Loss

The foods we eat can impact the level of inflammation in the body. Some foods dampen inflammation, and others may worsen inflammation. Some people use an anti-inflammatory diet to support their health and help to ease the symptoms of certain health conditions. Heavily...

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7 Amazing Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries are a small dark red fruit, beloved for their flavor and versatility. They can be deliciously sweet (great to eat raw) or tart (great for cooking). The cherry is a drupe, which is the proper name for fruits containing a stone, and there are many varieties,...

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