The Josephson Junction and How It Works

A Josephson Junction is an effect that occurs by putting two superconducting materials between a thin layer of non-superconducting material (insulator). They are named after Brian Josephson, the person who discovered them. In the 1960s, he wrote about this phenomenon...

Understanding Planck’s Constant and Its Importance

Planck’s constant is a constant used in the field of physics to be able to describe the quantifiable phenomena that take place with particles. In today’s article, we will dedicate ourselves to an explanatory tour about this law in the world of physics. What Is It?...

Dmitri Mendeleev – His Life and Career

Born in Verkhnie Aremzyani, Siberia in 1834, the child who would later become known as Dmitri Mendeleev was born into the family of Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, who was a teacher and headmaster of two local schools. His mother, Maria Kornilieva, was from a family of...

10 of the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of All Time

There have been hundreds of discoveries in the history of medicine, but among all of them, a few have marked a before and after in the history of mankind. We review 10 of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.   Penicillin Penicillin is one of the...