Dutch Elm Disease and How It Spreads

The elm tree has been a fundamental part of forests across the world for millions of years, and yet in recent years, much of the elm population has been lost due to disease. In recent years, there has been lots of publicity in regards to the damage caused by Dutch elm...

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Rice Experiment

Modernity has given us endless streams of input. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us; what to buy, what to think, what you should eat, what you should wear, and how to behave. For the most part, these messages are not so much in our best interest as...

Dog Skin Allergies – Signs and Symptoms

Allergy is defined as an abnormal body reaction through specific antibodies because it responds exaggeratedly when it comes into contact with a substance from the outside, that other individuals do not normally react to and which should normally be tolerated. These...

What Are Parkinson’s Symptoms?

What are the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions in the consultations of neurologists, Parkinson’s specialists, and family physicians. The fact is that the way this disease manifests itself is so complex and...

The History of the Spanish Flu

Diseases can be endemic, escalate to an epidemic, or, in extreme cases, a pandemic. Endemics usually appear at a certain time of the year in a specific place. Epidemics experience an increase in the number of infected at a specific time, and pandemics are epidemics of...