How to Cleanse Your Chakras

By learning how to cleanse your chakras we clear away any blockages and allow the energy to flow in a positive healthy way. Blockages in the chakras stop the flow of the life energy and cause problems in the physical body and the emotional life. Why Learn How to...

The Tree of Life

As long as humans have been able to communicate, we have woven stories that give meaning to everything from the nature and beginnings of existence to reasons for natural phenomena.  Humankind has always endeavored to understand what is not ostensibly clear.  We are a...

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral  is the 2nd chakra, and it is found in the lower abdomen. If you place your hand on the lower part of your belly just below your navel or on your lower back in the lumbar spine, this is the area where the sacral chakra resides. It extends into the pelvic...

What is the Root Chakra?

Think about the idea of being rooted in something and you think of strength and security. Like a tree with strong roots can nourish itself as it grows and also withstand the unexpected storm. When we go back to our roots we return to a place of safety and comfort,...