Alkaline Diet – How Does it Work?

The theory behind the alkaline diet is that diseases develop in an acidic environment (that is, with a low pH) and that; therefore, to prevent them, it is advisable to “alkalize” our body, that is, increase its pH. This alkaline diet maintains that we can achieve this...

Alessandro Volta – His Life and Work

All battery models currently manufactured are based on the principle discovered by Alessandro Volta. The scientist invented the so-called Volta Battery, the forerunner of the electric battery. His work was crucial for the history of science since, for the first time,...

African Trypanosomiasis

Sleeping sickness or African trypanosomiasis is a disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. It is transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly, an insect the size of a bee. Signs and symptoms are initially non-specific; however, the infection progresses to...

Addiction to Social Media

Also known as non-chemical addiction or drug-free addiction. An addiction to social media is a repetitive behavior that is pleasant, at least in the first phases, and generates a loss of control in the subject. Mostly due to the type of relationship established with...

Addiction to Prescription Medication

How does Addiction to Prescription Medication Happen? Addiction to prescription medication can happen due to intentional misuse of the drug, for example, where a person knows that a particular medication will give them the desired effects (such as sedating or giving a...