How Does Hand Foot and Mouth Affect Humans?

You may have heard of foot and mouth disease in animals, but rest assured that hand, foot, and mouth disease in humans is completely unrelated! In fact, hand, foot, and mouth disease in humans is a very common childhood illness. It can present with very mild symptoms...

Lung Cancer: Symptoms and Treatments

The lungs are the organs included in the respiratory system that is in charge of performing the respiratory function, that is, through the respiratory tract, they supply oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide – a waste product produced by the body’s cells....

What is American Trypanosomiasis?

Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is a parasitic disease very common in rural areas of 21 Latin American countries (endemic countries). In recent years, due to the mobility of the Latin American population to other countries in the world, it has appeared in...

Different Types of Light Energy

When energy is emitted in the form of light energy, it propagates at different wavelengths and frequencies, depending on the amount of energy being released. The entire range of wavelengths and frequencies at which this energy can be transferred is known as...

Diabetes – Warning Signs and Symptoms

Diabetes mellitus is a public health problem, causing a major impact on morbidity and mortality due to chronic complications related to the lack of timely interventions to identify risk factors for the development of target organ damage. DM is the leading cause of...