Mad Cow Disease – Causes And Symptoms

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or “mad cow disease” currently represents a real public health problem worldwide. Initially confined to the United Kingdom and overcoming the epidemiological measures put in place for its control, this disease has managed to...

Obesity: The Causes and The Consequences

The accumulation of abnormal or excessive fat is known as obesity, and according to The World Health Organization (WHO), it can be harmful to health. Obesity is a chronic disease, with multifactorial origin, of high prevalence, which is associated with an increased...

Psoriasis: What It Is and How It Is Treated

Psoriasis is a skin condition which is known as a chronic but non-contagious skin disease. It affects 1.5% of the general population. It can appear at any age, from shortly after birth to the final stages of life, but most often, it affects individuals between the...

What Is Emphysema and What Causes It?

Emphysema is a chronic disease characterized by the destruction of the farthest part of the respiratory tree, the alveoli, the place where oxygen passes into the blood. As a consequence of this destruction, the amount of oxygen in the blood is reduced, and respiratory...

Meningitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Meningitis is a usually infectious disease caused by viruses or bacteria that lead to infection and inflammation of the meninges – membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. When only the meninges are infected, it is called meningitis. Sometimes the bacteria...