How do viruses reproduce?

Viruses are protein structures with chains of nucleic acids inside either DNA or RNA, among others. There is still much debate in the scientific world about whether they are life forms or not, since they have existed practically since the beginning of the cell, and...

The Eight Different Types of Eczema

The word eczema is used for a group of dermatological conditions characterized by inflammatory lesions, dryness, redness, intense itching, rash, scabs, and pimples on the skin. Eight types of eczema can be classified, and that we will see later. Although these...

What is Molluscum Contagiosum Virus?

Despite its striking name, molluscum contagiosum is nothing more than a skin infection that, like warts, is caused by viruses. It is a benign and self-limited condition in time; that is, it finally disappears on its own. It is more frequent in kids than in grown-ups....

The Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet plan was created by the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Dr. Dean Ornish. It has been a popular diet, which makes no dangerous demands of followers, and if followed correctly would deliver a wide range of important nutrition. The...

Sweet Chestnut Blight – What It Is and How to Treat It

Infectious disease in trees is a worrying problem. If a disease spreads quickly from one tree to another, it can be difficult or even impossible to stop the spread, and this can have truly disastrous results for forests and woodlands. Historically, the sweet chestnut...